I have not played on it yet, but I already like it because:
- 78 provinces makes for a playable map with 4-8 players. (First I thought that Karan is nicely sized, but now that I survived to endgame on Karan a few times, I do not think so anymore! Micromanagement kills far better than any AirQueen! There ought to be more maps size 70-120!)
- No random province names! This is cool, because you can better roleplay in diplomatic discussions! It is so awful that the game does not display names for not actually scouted provinces, so that all my diplomatic Messages sound weird like "(59) to (67)" despite my best roleplaying efforts!
Foom said:
And remember, Immer feste druff!
Ist das also das Motto der DSA Spieler?!

(No offense meant, I played both DSA and D&D both ages ago and recently myself, and I do not regret either!
Admittingly, the two systems and default-world-backgorunds are worlds apart, but hey, what would the world be without some diversity? Just imagine what Dom2 would be without diversity!