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Old January 11th, 2005, 01:12 PM
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Default Re: New map - Aventurien

Foom said:
Aventurien is the world of a European pen and paper RPG called "Das Schwarze Auge", or DSA. It's similar to Dungeons and Dragons, except it doesn't suck
Oh, yeah, that's right - it sucks big time !!!
It's the most illogical and made-up conglomerate of nations, tech levels, map snippets from "real world" regions, topped off by it's unwieldy and unconsistent simulation rules.
I really appreciate (nearly) every effort to contribute something to this great game and it's community .. but why must it be a map of "Aventurien"?

Why can't you (and others) come up with something new and creative, instead of rehashing old crap?

To get a little bit more "back on topic" ..
.. as you already wrote, you map is way to colourful, it's really hard to distinguish borders and flags from the background. A little bit less contrast and colour shifting may rectify this.

.. a map without unpassable borders or "special taylored" bottleneck provinces isn't 'state of the art', and boring to play. It looks different than other maps, it plays the same.

.. despite all colours, it's hard to tell waste from plains. But that makes a big difference concerning pop and ress...

.. ocean tiles are way to big. Makes not only underwater movement too fast, but makes also shure that underwater nations will die from "dominion starving" very soon.

More to come when I have the time to check the map more thoroughly.
As for AI the most effective work around to this problem so far is to simply use an American instead, they tend to put up a bit more of a fight than your average Artificial Idiot.
... James McGuigan on somewhen back in 1998 ...
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