Re: New map - Aventurien
I've never actually played DSA, I thought D&D was pretty good.
Anyhow, the map is GREAT.
I second Chazar's plea for more SMALLER MAPS. In fact, I was just about to post begging for some nice ones with water, and here comes yours. Thanks!!!
I have just spent about 10 minutes looking at it, nothing more out of Zeitmangel at the moment, but may I make these comments which are hopefully constructive?
- It is very hard to see neighbors (similar problem to Edi's Faerum the first time around), so I could hardly tell you right now, especially the water neighbors. Suggestion: Make little markers (similar to Edi) so that we can see where a prov may be to follow the arrows, and adjust perhaps the brightness?
- There are huge amounts of swamps and wastelands and almost no forests. Maybe the DSA-Welt is like that, I dont know. But had you considered making some of the provinces dual- or even tri-type (such as: Forest and Mountain)? It is also not particularly clear which symbol represents trees (or whatever).
- Neighbors: Just looking, I would have thought that the Desert of Khom would border to the north with 28 (cant see name), but it doesnt.
Well this looks like a very promising start, I would much rather have a smallerish map than anything else. Thanks tons!