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Old January 12th, 2005, 10:53 AM
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Default Re: The Babylonian Problem

Nah don't translate the game .
I second Tinktank's opinion that i am sick and tired of games badly translated into german .
As example just especially baldurs gate 1 . The "sächsisch" speeking NPCs where a really pain and destroyed a lot of the flavour and mood .

There are few good exeptions which are well translated into german , e.g. Schlacht um Mittelerde aka Battle for Middleearth .

I just buy the german Versions of the game because the english Versions cost much more because i would have to buy them from e.g. and every such game would cost about 20% more .
I am always glad though if a game is sold in english like dominions or multilingual like Aow 2 shadow magic .

Additionally the translations would create additional costs which are not worth the effort .
If the game would not be distributed multilingual but only in e.g. german , italian etc. then it would be even worse because they print e.g. 10000 english only copies and sell 9000 . If they decide to do a german only Version too then they print e.g. 5000 germand and 5000 english copies and sell only 4000 german and 4000 english , so less .
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