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Old January 14th, 2005, 06:43 AM
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Default Re: Question about statistics

Hmm, I dont know the mystic by heart, but if they have 3 random elemental picks, it goes like is:

1. There are 4 elemental paths, so for each pick there are 4 possible results. The chance that I get a desired is 1/4. (Also see notes at 5. below.)

2. We want to know the probability for 3 stacked picks, but in any elemental paths, so the first pick will always be ok, whereas the other two must match the first:
1 * 1/4 * 1/4 = 1/16 = 6,25%. Only one out of 16 mystics will have all three picks in any one elemental path.
(Another more detailed way of reasoning could be: the probability of a three-stack in a certain path is 1/4 * 1/4 * 1/4, but since there are 4 types of mystics with such a three-stack, we can multiply this probability again by four, yielding the same result as before.) I'd say you're lucky to get a three-stacked mystic!

3. The probability to not have a single stacked random is like this: The first is always fine, since it never stacks. For the second pick not to stack, it must be one of the three remaining elemental paths, and for the Last, only two good choices remain:
1 * 3/4 * 2/4 = 3/8 = 0,375%, i.e. more than a third of all mystics are pretty versatile, and there are four types of such versatile mystics.

4. Either move somewhere else or try the lottery: The local randomness grid of your area seems to be malfunctioning...

5. Disclaimer:
What I've said in 1., that the chance to obtain any desired pick is 1/4, is truly an assumption of mine. I do not know if this is true, since Illwinter could be evil and have coded the picks with unequal probability chances in some weird circumstances intentionally to confuse some players. Furthermore, we must consider that true random generators are too expensive, so do not expect your average computer to be capable of true random number generation. All it can provide is pseudo-random number sequences, but as long as you are not producing TANs for Online banking, we should not worry to much about it. The pseudo-random numbers are random enough for household use.

All in all, we can expect to observe the probability of any given specific pick to be 1/4 (i.e. Illwinter is nice) and that this is practically independent of any previous picks choosen or observed (i.e. true randomness).
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