There is DomMap which is a Dominions map generator with pages of options. Its not the prettiest maps but it can be used as a starting point. Check out these.
They are re-generated fresh each day. Feel free to snag one and improve it with paste-on graphics
A guy named Targa did some nice maps and he used DomMap (which is free and downloadable by the way) to generate "blank" maps like these..
There are also "terrain generators". I think Photoshop might have addons for that. I know that GIMP does which is a free paint program of that level (though not so easy to learn how to use). Here are some examples of those...
Or you can find maps already done. Fantasy worlds, from books, etc. Some nice ones have been done from US Geological Survey arial photos. I keep looking because Im SURE that some of the older games had map generators which would work well for us but I havent found one I really like yet