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Old January 26th, 2005, 03:56 AM
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Default Re: Addendi

Ah ok thanks, that makes sense.

Well, here is a tad bit more:

Castle Selection Improvement:

Allow in God Creation for the selection of variable castle types.
For example, one could imagine that for
- X points, a player will receive a Type Q castle in his home province, and all further castles will be type Q.
- X+20 points, a player will receive a Type P castle in his home province, and all further castles will be either of type Q, Type P or Type R.
- For X+40 points, a player will receive a Type A castle in his home province, and all further castles will be type Q, X, B, or D.

If a player may choose between castle types when building, selecting the "Build Fort" option will show an additional screen: Build Fort A, Fort B, Fort C).

AI Improvement idea:

I have seen the Impossible AI (!) choose completely implausible builds, such as high turmoil with misfortune 3; the rest of its very many points are squandered on exceptionally high magic paths on pretenders, with which the AI tends to do nothing well. The Impossible AI may sometimes, however, choose instead of exceptionally idiotic scales some mediocre ones, but then tend to choose a pretender and give him or her Path-A-7 Path-B-5 Path-C-6 Path-D-3; although these are usually choices which tend not to be synergetic, the AI often cannot do anything interesting with them even if they were -- not even search properly.
So my suggestion would be to encourage the AI to take better scales:
- Forbid the AI >easy to choose certain scale combinations (e.g. Turmoil + Misfortune); if it plays a theme such as TC S&A with forced turmoil, it may not choose misfortune.
- Forbid the AI >normal to choose any non-forced "bad" scales; that is, allow it to play themes which require death or turmoil etc., but then not to choose additional "bad" scales. (Exceptions could be: Drain with Ulm, Turmoil or Sloth with dead Ermor, etc.)
- Make some schematics or "kits" for god generation from which the AI could choose a few. That is, for each nation, give 3+ blueprints per God from which the AI can choose randomly and build up from these; that is, per theme and per choosable God, the devs must select each God and spend, say, half of the points available, the AI may distribute the rest randomly if that god gets selected during game creation. This would give the AI some "kits" from which to choose. This may require the devs to generate 100 new god half-builds per theme, but this is quickly done and fun anyhow.

An unrelated suggestion: Give the harder AI the following bonuses as well:
- research bonus
- ritual spell casting bonus (impossible AI *could* be, say, 50% reduction in cost)
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