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Old January 28th, 2005, 09:09 AM

Azhur Azhur is offline
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Default Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"

Someone might have said this suggestion before or then it was merely a dream I had.

All nations should have three different dominion types, which are all based on your effort. After numerous turns of "Cultural research", nations would evolve into the next age. E.g, Pangaea could have this kind of a system:

!! The following dominion types aren't equal to the ones in Dominions 2 !!


(Weak) Early Age: Carrion Woods (The time when the forests grow wildly and the nature isn't under Dryads control.)

Requirements: None


(Average) Middle Age: Pangaea (The time when the supplies are plenty and wealth can be found all over thick forests.)

Requirements: 500 CP (Cultural Points researched), 70 recources and 500 gold.


(Stong) New Age: New Era (The time when Pangaea is civilized and thus learns the way of steel.)

Requirements: 2000 CP (Cultural Points researched), 200 recources and 1200 gold.


This way you could decide between magic research and cultural studying, which certainly gives a nice twist to the game. While some might count on their precious spells, the others may try rampaging with their elite class forces. Of course you can again have better mages, with a newer dominion type...
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