Re: Morale
I've mentioned before that I'd like to see magic clothing and armor require magic resources in proportion to the size of the wearer, and be required to be the same size. Looting Black Steel Plate from human-sized Ulmites won't let you protect your Titans with them, and forging full magic armor for giants would require giant amounts of magic resources. This not only makes sense and is an interesting detail that introduces more choices and restrictions, but would be a natural balancing force against huge supercombattants.
(Mounted units would be an exception, but hopefully this could be handled by another change, where riders and mounts were seperate units that were combined to make a mounted unit, and each would be tracked for damage and equipment individually.)
In addition, it could be extended to other spells as well. There is already a precedent for some of this in specific examples (Wind Ride resisted by size), but it could be an underlying system which again would tend to help balance against huge supercombattants. Teleporting, fireproofing, or making a dragon ethereal would be much harder than doing the same tricks to a dwarf. Too be fair, though, the fatigue scale would want to take this into account too. Net effect would be that a giant could buff himself as easily as a human, but a human trying to buff a giant would find it harder than buffing himself.
Another unrelated idea, which might already be part of the game that I've forgotten (?), would be a bonus to stealth ability for units in their native terrain types (perhaps as shown by survival skill).
Similarly, I think animal units should be stealthy in their own habitats at least. Bears and wolves in the desert won't be stealthy, but they would be in the woods.