The Panther said:
Overpowered: Pythium, clams, false horrors, wraithful skies, astral and death magic, blood summons, life drain, Air Queens, devils,
Hm, did you realize you just listed half of all the game's magic in your overpowered list? Astral, death, blood and air. Good enough balance for me here. ;p But seriously, water magic's a bit of a bore, fire/earth/nature have their uses. Nearly seven okay paths out of eight isn't that bad.
Underpowered: T'ien Ch'i, Ulm, sea trolls, water magic, national troops in general, sloth, luck,
You didn't mean turmoil by any chance? If national troops suck sloth should be a no-brainer... I think a lot would be to luck scale if the event's were resolved differently from the current (frequency by the capital's dominion, random location, effect by target province's dominion). As it now stands trying to expand into hostile dominion (order-misfortune as a standard) when playing turmoil-luck nation is a real pain due constant bad events in borderlands alone.
...okay, the solution would be to be like everyone else and play order-misfortune. But I think it's boring, so if that makes me a poor player so be it... But I still think that deciding between good or bad events by averaging luck scale over all the owned provinces or something like that could be cool.