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Old January 31st, 2005, 03:43 PM

Ivan Pedroso Ivan Pedroso is offline
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Default Re: An old Newbie ;)

Gandalf Parker said:
What makes you think he is gone? Its not like he was banned or anything. He just said goodbye and stopped using that login
Hehehe - I look forward to the day when one of the frequent posters reveal that he is in fact Norfleet. ( Can't you go look for him Who'sYourDaddy ? didn't he say at one time that he was from the Seattle area ? )

I feel that cheating is wrong and bla.bla.bla. but he sure made some great posts. Some where highly informative and spoke of a deep understanding and love for the game. The ones regarding his personal opinions on off-topic stuff were weird/hilarious/scary/etc but never dull.

By the way... I wonder who is more missed: Norfleet or Stormbinder
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- Sir Ice-ac Newton
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