EDIT: OOPS, wrong thread... Anyway, Norfleet spiced up the forums, and everyone had an opinion about him. He cheated, by could choose the strategies that benefitted most from it.
You would figure that any strategy would work if you were cheating. Playing a strategy game with no resource constraints sounds kind of easy.
That being said after the post alleging the hack was made I whipped up a program and it was crazy easy to cheat. I actually don't know if illwinter fixed the holes I'm pretty much taking them on face value that they did. Although given how it worked it would seem to me that to plug it correctly would take far more work than they would be willing to spend on Dom2. This is why I like playing games now where the master password is on and every turn is archived and can be view at the end of the game (it's also fun to look at other people's stratgies ).
Hehehe - I look forward to the day when one of the frequent posters reveal that he is in fact Norfleet. ( Can't you go look for him Who'sYourDaddy ? didn't he say at one time that he was from the Seattle area ? )
Did he? I did not notice but then again with Norfleet it was always a guessing game as to what was real and what was made up. That was at least half of the fun since he did it in such a fun over the top kind of way.