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Old February 1st, 2005, 07:22 AM
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Default Re: An old Newbie ;)

alexti said:
Come to think, I can't even be sure that Norfleet has not created multiple identities and all the people on this forum are just different Norfleet's identities
Oh, I cannot name the posts, but that idea has been around before. Yeah, we're all Norfleet and this is just a great trap for you. But you are Norfleet as well! (and I am being called paranoid by my friends, great!) No, please, stop it!

By the way, I wish for another command-option for Dom3: witch-hunting!!! I think Dom2 is seriously lacking this glorious piece of mankind's history. It should cause unrest, kill population, reduce blood-hunt-possibilties for a couple of turns and have a slightly increased chance to detect any hiding stealthy female mage commander which has at least one affliction that makes her sticking out of the crowd. Oh, and there should be a good chance that a random friendly commander of any class and gender is burned at the stake as well (sort of the disband-option that everyone is wishing for, but just random)...
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