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Old February 3rd, 2005, 12:03 PM
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Default Re: Random Magic Paths - is it truly random?

Bummer_Duck said:It could very well be a perception thing.
That's what I belive. I can recall quite a few games, where I deliberately waited for a fire random and only ended up with a lot of earth picks, and other games where I just needed a single earth pick and only got fire...

I do believe that pseudo-random number generation is generally good enough for games like Dom2. I also believe that "Murphys Law" is mostly due to the fact that oddities and failures are far easilier remembered than average things. I also recall a newspaper report about traffic-jams on multi-lane motorways and lane-hopping: People will always believe that they are in the one wrong lane which is progressing slowest. The report said that this is due to the fact that people who are waiting will notice each car that overtakes them, whereas overtaking others is far less memorizable. Generally, each car that you overtake gives much less satisfaction than the annoyance pereceived by each other car that overtakes oneself...
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