Graeme Dice said:
So you are telling me that the moment when a particular atom of a radioactive element will decay can be determined before it decays? Because that's what you're claiming when you claim a deterministic universe. Of course people dispute your claim, because it's known to be false.
You should at least be accurate here. The correct wording of your last sentence ought to be "Of course some people dispute your claim, because many believe it to be false."
Just because some scientists believe that radioactive decay is totally random does not make it so. I work at a nuclear weapons research facility in the field of radiation detection, and I can assure you that this question is far from settled.
In fact, I personally believe that if the means to observe a single nucleus WITHOUT interference were to ever be developed, one would likely be able to predict when a particular radioactive atom is about to decay. But Heisenberg has a theorum which makes this a very difficult thing to achieve, even in a Gedanken experiment.
Be very careful with making sweeping judgements about the universe. It will likely bite you in the end.
On the subject of random paths for your mages, I used to think it seemed biased towards elemental over sorcery. I still do, but less severe than I used to think.
I also think that my opinion of seeing bias in my mages can perhaps be traced to such things as in my current Atlantis game, where I was REALLY wanting an earth King of the Deep, and had none after about 30 mages had been recruited. I then used my first earth mage to chain summon troll kings and now I have all the earth commanders I need.
Of course, I have since bought several Kings of the Deep with earth skill at a significantly higher rate now that it is less important to me. This may just be yet another emample of Murphy's Law!