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Old February 4th, 2005, 01:29 PM

johan osterman johan osterman is offline
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Default Re: Random Magic Paths - is it truly random?

Duck: The random generated paths use the same function for all units with randoms odf the same kind. So if a unit has any random paths it will not have more or less of a problem than any other unit using the same allocation of randoms.

Panther: All randomly generated numbers in the game are derived from a large set of pregenerated numbers. These numbers are cycled through. While it is possible that there might be a very slight weight in the numbers towards the lower or higher range of a die, it is not a weight that should be readily perceptible.

Edit: I reread my post and realised it wasn't very clear what the point of my response to panther was, so here comes the explanation. A weight of the numbers to the lower or higher half of the distribution would be by far the likeliest cause for a predomince of either elemental or sorcery. If this was the case it would also mean that all other 'random die rolls' in the game would show similar tendencies, ie the bottom half of the distribution would show up more htan the tophalf, obviously most of those 'rolls' are not quite as readily accessible to the player though.
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