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Old February 5th, 2005, 03:13 PM
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Default Frost immune Devils?

Can someone please explain to me why a horde of frost fiends shoots their innate ranged attacks at a vast horde of Devils without any effect?

The Frost Fiend's Frost Blast is Damage 10 (no strength bonus) and Area of Effect 1.

The Devils have 50% Frost suceptibility, Protection 8, MR 17, Defence 16.

I thought that neither protection nor defence helps against a ranged area-effecting attack, but from 40 frost fiends firing, none of the 340 devils go a scratch! And the shots hit! (There wasnt much place to miss anyway!)

Meh, the frost fiends were blasted away like nothing! Only my equipped Ice Devil and the lone Iron Dragon managed to kill 3 (three) of those 340 devils! Nice count, isnt it?
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