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Old February 5th, 2005, 07:45 PM
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Default Re: Frost immune Devils?

Hah, they have killed already an AirQueen accompained by 5 high seraphs, 20 storm demons and 10 air elementals so far...
(The Air Queen was equipped like follows:
ElfBane,LuckyShield,FireHelmet,BoneArmor,Antimagic ,BurningPearl
I know ElfBane is useless against Devils, but I forgot to change equipment. One of those draining dagger would do better)
But 350 at once just drown everything!

Anyway, that was just the first battle and I did not know what to expect, so I underestimated the numbers. But what worried me, is that only 16 devils were killed!

The other battle were the frost fiends accompained by two ice devils with herald lances, hydra armour, girdle of strength, buring pearl. Only 3 devils died! I wouldnt mind loosing being outnumbered that far, but 3 devils is not really a lot! And the SC's next to those devils were just buffing them up...


I have good experience with wrathful skies in that game, but I did not try it against the devils so far for various reasons (trying something else). I'll try WrathfulSkies again, but the first time the caster retreated without casting, since he was to close to the soul armour of the air queen, which damaged him in the first round!

One reason also is, that we are fighting in castled terrain, so cloudtrapezing onto the devils does not work...
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