Re: Random Magic Paths - is it truly random?
Err.. folks, I don't think, and the original claim wasn't about it either, that the RNG code is broken per se.
It's just that you e.g. get the "same" mage three times in a row in one game, say with earth/air as random pick, and in the next game, you only get nature and something, but never an air mage (while playing the same nation again).
And sometime the behaviour changes suddenly mid-game.
Would this be "singular" happenings, I woulnd't bother, but I have seen this way to often to write it off as Murphy's law or statistical effects or whatever.
But the error is not with the RNG, but with either the seed that is fed to it (and not re-set for some turns, essentially resulting in the same random number again) or with the code that turns that random num into the actual commander (maybe using old data from the previous turn, or copying the last build commander or something).
Wild guess: That bug about strangely ressurected commanders/heros, which turn up with other nations isn't fixed, too, as noone can figure out how and when it happens, right? Maybe there's some connection ???
As for AI the most effective work around to this problem so far is to simply use an American instead, they tend to put up a bit more of a fight than your average Artificial Idiot.
... James McGuigan on somewhen back in 1998 ...