Ivan Pedroso said:
The Duck_Number is not an easy tool to utilize in order to check if the distribution of random picks is in fact uniform. It is much easier to just count the different number of FIRE, AIR, WATER,… picks and then do a reduced_Chi^2 test to see if we can uphold the notion, that the random picks are uniformly distributed.
It is not as difficult to test for distribution as to test for independence. Consider pseudo-RNG that produces uniformly distributed numbers from 1 to 8. If we implement it as x(i) = 1+(i%8), it will generate very well distributed samples, however, those x(i) are not independent at all. In fact every x(i+1) is completely determined by x(i).
This lack of independence is a typical problem in pseudo-RNG. They often tend to repeat certain sequences more often that others. So if we're looking for a problem in RNG, I'd expect to find something like if you've sequentially rolled 1,2 and 8, there's about 50% probability that the next number will be 3 or 5.