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Old February 28th, 2005, 11:42 AM
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Default Re: A New Mod: Oglala Sioux

Thilock_Dominus said:
Just one question, what would the consequences of weak awe be?
Well, awe+1 means that a unit with Morale of 10 (or 11? I forget) has a 50% chance of overcoming an awe check, while an awe of +10 means that you need a morale of 20 to do the same. Although it would be nice to know how this is scaled for Morales greater or lesser than this median (I mean: If you have a Morale of 13, do you have a 70% chance of hitting an Awe+1 creature, or a 55%, or a 95%?), I do not.

So I would have hoped that an Awe -2 would mean that a creature with a Morale of 9 has a 50% chance of striking successfully.
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