Re: The Grand Anti-SC competition!
What about a mod? I don't know how to take that "fist" attack go away, so he gets -1 def and weak attack. I quess that could be worked around by adding new weapon, "Useless Thing", with -100 damage, -100 attack, +0 defence and length 0. That would still give the sphinx possibility of attacking, which would fatique it, and enemy chance to repel.
#modname "Sphinx Mod"
#description "A Sphinx Mod, to add a moving Sphinx for Tuna's competition."
#version 001
#selectmonster 159
#name "Sphinx"
#descr "A Sphinx."
#ap 2
#mapmove 1
#hp 500
#size 6
#prot 30
#str 20
#enc 0
#att 5
#def 0
#prec 10
#mr 18
#mor 30
#gcost 60
#rcost 0
#pathcost 40
#startdom 4
#itemslots 4096
#poisonres 100