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Old March 8th, 2005, 01:13 PM
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Default Re: Random Picks and Modding...

Sorry, but I think that this is futile: All these pricing rules can only be rules of thumb, to ensure that user-made mods are not too unbalanced!

It would be boring if all nations would be equal, hence e.g. Caelum is defined by its cheap mages as Ulm is defined by its superior Infantry. Once these basic difference have been decided, gaming balance is then an entirely different issue. Since Caelum has cheaper mages, other nations should have other advantager or caelum should have another disadvantage, but that is an entirely different topic for a different thread.

So establishing a rough gold cost estimate is useful for modders who do not have the experience and the a lot of test-gaming-time, but still want to add new thins to the existing game (assuming it is balanced). So apart from that, what is the point then?
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