Saber Cherry said:
Commander factors, in order of importance to me:
Ah, Saber Cherry. Greetings again. If I may comment...?
Free Summons (e.g. Unholy / Tribal King / Wolfherd)
Well, Unholy already has its calculation done for me (Illwinter). Personally, I think it's about right. Unholy-3 Priests can put out a lot of Longdead, but they pay 150g for the privilege.
Tribal Kings and Wolfherds, OTOH, show that just being able to produce chaff isn't all that expensive an ability.
Magic Command
Undead Command
Granted, this is important. I imagine it will be valued at twice the equivalent amount of 'normal' leadership. This of course does not include Leadership (of any type) gained by magic, since that (presumably) is included in the cost of the magic path.
Again, useful. On this note, how much do you think Strategic Movement should be valued?
Leadership is referred to above.
Sailing is a movement enhancer and as such will be valued. Stealth... not so much. I'll explain more below.
Do you think that all immunities should be equally valued?
Unless someone can tell me otherwise, Weapons and Armor will be ignored in this analysis. The reason being is that is taken into account on resources, correct? Base (inherent) Protection values will be valued accordingly.
As a base, I am looking at the basic scout. All of its stats are 10, it has no Leadership, it has Stealth(+0), and that's about it. That would lead me to believe the following:
Commander: 10
Stats: 0
Leadership: 0
Stealth(+0): 10
For a grand total of 20 points.
Now, if you 'move up' to the standard infantry commander, he loses stealth, but gains Leadership 25. This might look like the following:
Commander: 10
Stats: 0
Leadership: 20
For a total of 30 points.
From these examples, you might be able to look at the following, for base leadership:
0 - 0 points
10 - 10 points
25 - 20 points
50 - 30 points
75 - 40 points
125 (Is 100 a valid base number?) - 50 points
Does this work out to about the right amount? I don't know yet. But it's my 'working guess'. As for stats, I'm going to assign positive/negative numbers based on most stats' deviation from 10 (Str, Att, Def, Prc, Mrl, MR). Protection will simply be its number. Encumbrance on its deviation from 3 (that seems to be the human norm), with probably a larger 'bonus' if it's 0. For HPs, currently it's just like Str, but it may need to be changed. Do you think that might work, or would it be overvaluing HPs?
I'll do some more work on it, and see what I can come up with.
Thanks for the feedback.