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Old March 9th, 2005, 01:21 AM
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Default Re: The Grand Anti-SC competition!

Oh, with the regeneration I had in mind its effect on affliction chances moreso than the hp healing. IIRC, once cursed you have a greatly increased chance of afflictions per hit -- but regeneration cuts that down to more acceptable level. Against life draining rather than maximizing sheer attack count / maiming, yeah, it matters a bit less.

Gifts from Heaven would be amusing and effective if it hits, although with the number of shots it might take you'd probably want to have storms up and be blinking to slow down (most... not Air Queens, Pazuzu, similar) attackers from meleeing before you hit. (Hm, has anybody been killed by his own badly-aimed Gifts when the enemy got close?)

Odd thought: Is there a chance that the first winners might get heroic abilities that would skew things? Well, they won't be of high magnitude... but at what level do heroic quickness or precision start? 'course, if these abilities are only added at the end of the turn after all battles, then it doesn't matter.
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