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Old March 9th, 2005, 06:40 AM
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Randallw Randallw is offline
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Default Re: (Shocking) News!!!!!

What concerns me is that SE5 will dilute the SE4 elite community (by which I use the connotation, few). As we are at the moment we have a stable community which is friendly and welcoming. I am shocked to think that if SE5 is more widespread we shall be innundated with people with no respect for those established as our communities leaders, such as Atrocities, Geoschmo, or Fyron etc, .People who will insult and disregard others. Imagine the day some leet speaker comes up with (and please excuse my unfamiliar attempt at lowering my vocabulary)

Hey doods, look at mi orsom mod.

I value the fact that to my knowledge Intel has not be sullied by flamewars or baiting. I regularly visit another forum and it is almost as good except for the occasional baiting or insults that are instantly banned by the moderators. Naturally we must be willing to accept converts to the cause but I can't help but be worried that the quality of our community will descend.
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