Re: Drain Life
On the other hand elite troops can still kill lifedrain SCs . Even an AQ is in danger vs. Centaurs and Vans if not really well equipped . 30 Centaurs or Vans can kill a lot .
I lost a Jade Armor , Wraith sword , pendant of luck , ama , starshine skullcap AQ to about 40 centaurs last turn ( about turn 30 ) in my pythium game . I can't forge much better stuff on my own . AQs have anyways rather low protection so a few lucky centaur hits and they can die .
Without a way to combat undeads like charcoil shield undead spamming sauros can also kill many SCs . Same for Ghost riders .
So Lifedrain is maybe not that overpowered . At least the weapons do either few damage (blood thorn) or are 2 handed .