Re: Drain Life
On the cost of Summonings angle:
Very basically the mark-up that people pay for distance summons that stay around is too high. That's why Call of the Wild and Arouse Hunger are too expensive. The cost break for summons that don't stay around is too high as well. Ghost Riders and Earth Attack are too cheap.
Very basically the mark-up that people pay for getting a spell at a low level of research is too high. Ice Drakes and Summon Animals are too expensive.
Very basically, the price hike for getting non-unique leaders out of your summons is usually too big. The Harbringer Angel is overcosted. The Archangel is even worse (partially because it is a distant summons that sticks around, and partially because it comes with a leader, it ends up simply costing about a millsion gazillion more gems than could possibly be justified).