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Old March 16th, 2005, 12:23 PM

Oversway Oversway is offline
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Default Re: The Grand Anti-SC competition! - Results!

Even so, I think it might have turned out differently if more people had come in with good Mindless SCs. The only thing close was a gargoyle, and it wasn't even fully equipped.

Yeah, I forgot that gargoyles had a boot slot Plus the low MR (12!) was extra humiliting. I think it was the cheapest (or close to) SC out there. You could field that way before many of the others. Still, I think I would have been better off with

Nataraja, 3 astral
Two gloves of gladiator
starshine skull cap
cloak of invulerability
boots of quickness
flying carpet
ring of warrior
script: astral weapons, attack large monsters

20 still might not be enough mr, but overall this would be better. I enjoy the concept of 16 armor negating attacks against a still-buffing sc.

Another way to do this contest would be to design an SC with a fixed number of gems - 500 astral maybe? You have to account for alchemy. No limit on number combatants, etc.
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