New rule could be that you may cast only self-buffs and you have to design a melee SC .
Another idea could maybe be to let the SCs participate in the Arena Fight . Then i don't think that the SCs keep the mind enslaved other SCs .
Or you make the fight in several turns , only 1 vs. 1 and take away mind enslaved SCs during the combats .
If you take 16 SCs for the next competition then it would be 4 rounds :
1.round : 8 1on1 fights
2.round : 4 1on1 fights with the winners
3.round : 2 1on1 "
4.round : 1 1on1 "
Or you could make it like in Football with 4 groups were all 4 groupmembers fight once against each other and then the 2 best of each group participate in the final rounds