Confused. Wouldn't four Swords of Swiftness be superior to two sets of Gloves of the Gladiator in every conceivable way?
Ah, you are right.
Yeah, GotG are pretty bad. Throwing in a Lucky Sword and Herald Lance might be wise too. A Stone Bird, Horned Helmet, Chi Boots, Jade Armor, 4x Sword of Switness Nataraja with Astral Weapon would be pretty impressive, though I doubt it would win. 30 armor-negating attacks perturn are hard to avoid
I think you really want flying so that you can make sure you get to the sc quickly, before it buffs. The nat's strength is good but the base attack is only 11, which is why I threw a ring of warrior on it. Maybe change it it 2f1a since a higher astral weapons fatigue cost probably isn't going to kill you. It'll be the petrification or enslave mind