The_Tauren13 said:
I hate making morale 0-5 cost exactly the same, because there is a change, however small and imperceptable 
Besides, there arent any troops with under 7 morale, are there?
Just starving units
That looks pretty accurate. As far as multiplier-or-not goes...
On commanders, morale is (AFAIK) unimportant except for repel attempts. So it should not be applied to commanders.
On normal units, it sort of depends. High morale is worth more on cheap units than expensive units, because you get lots of them. Maybe it should have an additive AND multiplicative effect? In other words, if the unit's value (aside from morale) is "X", with morale ("MV", value of morale from the chart) it might be:
The first X considers units in huge groups, or boosted by a priest casting Sermon of Courage, or with "Berserkers" cast, or patrolling, or waiting as targets forn Fires from Afar, or as bodyguards where morale is not relevant, or as arrow targets / lance fodder where morale is meaningless.
The second term considers normal groups with no morale support, in normal melee battles.
The third term (with an unknown constant, K) is the usefulness of high-morale units in keeping low-morale groups from fleeing, preventing complete routs (so mages can do their business), when the enemy is using units with Fear or casting Terror and Panic, and other cases where high morale is crucial.
... then again, I never stop playing with a formula until it is so complex I can no longer understand it, so maybe you should ignore everything I just said. Probably, in fact. Actually, I order you to banish it from your mind

. Your current formula seems fine; it looks good to me, anyway

2.5 seems a little high as an upper asymptote, though; 2.0 might be high enough for a purely multiplicative term. I wouldn't pay 2.5 times as much for units with infinite morale as for 10 morale - the max would be, maybe, 2.0 times, at which point I'd only buy a few of them.