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Old March 20th, 2005, 05:29 AM
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sushiboat sushiboat is offline
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Default Re: Unit Cost Equation

Here is a quick and dirty formula based on a multiple linear regression that
included only units with morale below 30. (AFAIK, the 30 and 50 morale
numbers are only symbolic and represent a qualitatively different state.) I
didn't include movement because the spreadsheet I have needs work to
adjust those numbers into a useable format. (Plenty of other boring
qualifiers omitted.)

Cost = -386.0 + (11.9 * Size) + (2.3 * HP) + (-2.0 * Prot) + (11.0 * Morale) +
(21.8 * MagicRes) + (1.4 * Enc) + (-4.8 * Str) + (2.8 * Att) + (.7 * Def) +
(4.0 * Prec)

The adjusted multiple R-squared is .70, so about 70% of the variance in cost
is explained by the predictors. How does that compare to the formula in the
first post?

In case you are not familiar with multiple regression, don't be fooled by the
size of the coefficients. There is some collinearity -- some of the stats used
as predictors are correlated with each other, so their unique predictive
contribution is affected. For example, strength has a zero-order correlation
of .24 with cost, but in the multiple regression, its coefficient is negative.

Edit: Commander vs. non-commander makes a difference, so here are the
formulae after splitting the two groups.

Non-commander formula (adjusted R-squared = .81):

Cost = -60.1 + (12.3 * Size) + (2.9 * HP) + (.8 * Prot) + (5.3 * Morale) +
(4.1 * MagicRes) + (-1.9 * Encumb) + (-8.0 * Str) + (1.5 * Att) + (.5 * Def) +
(-1.9 * Prec)

Commander formula (adjusted R-squared = .71):

Cost = -459.7 + (16.8 * Size) + (.3 * HP) + (-2.5 * Prot) + (11.0 * Morale) +
(25.4 * MagicRes) + (5.0 * Encumb) + (.8 * Str) + (-1.1 * Att) + (6.2 * Def) +
(-.1 * Prec)
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