Re: Unit Cost Equation
How did I do it? Many statistics programs exist that can do a multiple
regression in a few seconds. The tricky part is recognizing problems and
interpreting the output.
What use is it to a modder? Use it as you will. It is an imperfect description of
the way that the unit stats are related to unit costs in the original game.
Below are some new formulae. I added some stats, and I removed stats post
hoc that didn't make a significant unique contribution. Something I might do
in the future is separate mages from non-mages.
Non-commander (adjusted R-squared = .81)
Cost = -51.7 + (11.2 * Size) + (3.1 * HP) + (.9 * Prot) + (5.9 * Morale) +
(4.5 * MagicRes) + (-1.6 * Encumb) + (-8.6 * Str) + (-1.8 * Prec) +
(.5 * TacMove)
Commander (adjusted R-squared = .82)
Cost = -269.6 + (1.6 * HP) + (-1.7 * Prot) + (8.9 * Morale) +
(12.4 * MagicRes) + (3.6 * Def) + (2.2 * TacMove) + (.6 * Ldr_Norm) +
(1.5 * Ldr_Undead) + (3.3 * Ldr_Magic)
Edit: OK, here are separate formulae for non-mage and mage commanders.
Non-mage Commander (adjusted R-squared = .77)
Cost = -125.6 + (9.2 * Size) + (1.4 * Prot) + (10.9 * Morale) +
(7.6 * MagicRes) + (-6.6 * Encumb) + (-3.5 * Str) + (-2.0 * Def) +
(2.3 * TacMove)
Mage Commander (adjusted R-squared = .79)
Cost = -233.0 + (7.7 * Morale) + (16.0 * MagicRes) + (4.1 * Str) +
(-10.7 * Att) + (11.5 * Def) + (-5.7 * Prec) + (.9 * Ldr_Norm) +
(1.1 * Ldr_Undead) + (3.5 * Ldr_Magic)