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Old March 21st, 2005, 01:54 PM
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Default Re: Unit Cost Equation

PDF said:
Sorry, but I'm pretty sure these regressions are mostly useless (and I've some stat background..). Namely because they do work *only* if the relationships between attributes and the attributes scales themselves are in the range of the sample studied. . .

With all due respect, in my profesional coursework, I was taught that linear regression could be used for forecasting. With a time constraint values will go beyond the range studied (ideally, your model should be updated with each new point). So, the model is a good one, HOWEVER, I'm pretty sure the nice linear lines aren't appropriate for exquisetly powerful or unusual units. Mainly, because A)I doubt that that is how the devs did it and B) power increases dramatically for higher skill values.

A better model for these powerful units might be to do a similar study of summonable units and convert from gems to gold (using ermor, 10-15 gems us ~equal to 200 gold). Unfortunately you can't use the same equation for commanders and regulars, but seperate units would be available.

An even better model would be to use best fit nonlinear equations for the summonable units, then convert to gold. Cheap regression software can only check your guesses for nonlinear equations.

Probably the best method would be to use an expert system (engineering term - artificial intelligence for programmers) to compute costs. Using this method, you could convert summonable unit cost to gold first (or use the system to do it accurately), then input ALL of the units. Then, by pumping your unit through the system you would get an accurate price. The system itself would be somewhat complex, with nodes for each aspect (sacred, etheareal, etc) of the unit. You can get a good quality student expert system program for "free," with the purchase of a US$100-150 expert system text. It MAY allow enough nodes for this system. You may be able to download one for free, but I haven't looked. It could take you a while to learn how to use it. . .

Use the linear model or 1gold per point model for units within normal "human" unit ranges (maybe up to 14 skill) with typical aspects (not ethereal). This is how devs appear to have done it. . .

For powerful units, make a model using summonable units and convert to gold, using ermor income to gold (10-15 gems per 200 gold). Use of linear lines here will cause barely powerful units to be too expensive and truly powerful units to be too cheap, but mid range guys should be right on. Models for extreme units should use a nonlinear or expert system model.

OR you could "just" shake the info out of the devs. . .
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