Thread: Drain Life
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Old March 21st, 2005, 03:29 PM
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Default Re: Drain Life

Graeme Dice said:
A large army can deal with a dozen ghost riders, as dealing with them is no different than dealing with any Ermorian army.

Sure it is. You can raid with ghost riders, then take the province with a scout. The size army you need to defend against this is a bit larger than most nations can afford for all their uncastled provinces. So, if you really wanted to try using the more expensive better def forts, your screwed.


If you aren't on the offensive, and you haven't set yourself up for a strong defense, then there isn't much you can do. You lost by allowing your opponent the luxury of not having to respond to your attacks.
Errr...define strong defense! 1 GR can eliminate +25 PD or more. Which is truly absurd IMO, for how expensive 25 PD costs (325 gold?). That far out weighs the what, 5 gem cost? Someone was equating 6 gems to be equal to 100 gold cost...

Let's not even talk about the costs associated with parking defense armies all over the place for the sole purpose of defending against this type of attack.

I am now firmly entrenched in the "Nerf the GR" camp. I could be talked over to the "Buff the other non-death distant summoning/attack" camp. After playing around with CoW/CoW, I'm not impressed. Even 2 castings will lose to a semi-high PD.

As it stands it looks like from now on I will always make sure I have access to death mages, and always select spamable castles types.
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