Thread: Drain Life
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Old March 21st, 2005, 03:45 PM
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Default Re: Drain Life

Bummer_Duck said:
Sure it is. You can raid with ghost riders, then take the province with a scout. The size army you need to defend against this is a bit larger than most nations can afford for all their uncastled provinces.
I'm not talking about defense. I'm talking about offense. If you have many armies rampaging through your opponent's territory, then he has to use ghost riders on those armies, or else lose the territory. If he uses scouts to take your provinces, then you can just move any kind of random chaff into the province to take it back.

So, if you really wanted to try using the more expensive better def forts, your screwed.
The 450 gold forts are not that much more expensive, and all others take too long to construct to be worthwhile even if no remote summoning spells were ever used.

Errr...define strong defense! 1 GR can eliminate +25 PD or more. Which is truly absurd IMO, for how expensive 25 PD costs (325 gold?).
Province defense increasing in cost as it does should be a clue that you shouldn't bother buying any more than 1 point to see what your opponent uses for armies, or 10 points if you want to keep scouts from getting too deep into your teritory. A strong defense means that you spend gold on putting castles in the provinces where you have temples and laboratories so that you actually have a chance of defending your territory.

Let's not even talk about the costs associated with parking defense armies all over the place for the sole purpose of defending against this type of attack.
Then _don't_ park your armies all over the place! Why do you have armies in the first place if you aren't using them against someone?

I am now firmly entrenched in the "Nerf the GR" camp.
It's a level 9 spell, so it had better be powerful or what was the point of researching all the way to level 9?

As it stands it looks like from now on I will always make sure I have access to death mages, and always select spamable castles types.
Well, if you want to just grab a small amount of territory, and don't want to use diplomacy, then playing defensively will do nothing but delay your defeat to somebody with four or five times the resources you have. Many people complain that XX spell caused them to lose, when they actually lost because they didn't have a sufficiently strong strategic position. The spells just kept the game from turning into a war of attrition that lasts for hundreds of turns.
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