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Old March 21st, 2005, 04:33 PM
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sushiboat sushiboat is offline
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Default Re: Unit Cost Equation

Why is size a positive value? I guess the ultimate answer would have to come
from Illwinter. If I remember correctly, size, HP, and strength are highly
correlated with each other, so having more than one in the equation makes
interpretation tricky.

You are welcome to use the equations in any way you like. At the moment,
they cover only national units, not independents. (Maybe next weekend I'll
add the indies.) I have not included magic paths for mages yet. The only
special ability I have looked at is flying. I would like to add other special
abilities and magic paths later. The three equations below are the ones to use
for now.


Cost = -51.7 + (11.2 * Size) + (3.1 * HP) + (.9 * Prot) + (5.9 * Morale) +
(4.5 * MagicRes) + (-1.6 * Encumb) + (-8.6 * Str) + (-1.8 * Prec) +
(.5 * TacMove)

Non-mage Commander

Cost = -125.6 + (9.2 * Size) + (1.4 * Prot) + (10.9 * Morale) +
(7.6 * MagicRes) + (-6.6 * Encumb) + (-3.5 * Str) + (-2.0 * Def) +
(2.3 * TacMove)

Mage Commander

Cost = -233.0 + (7.7 * Morale) + (16.0 * MagicRes) + (4.1 * Str) +
(-10.7 * Att) + (11.5 * Def) + (-5.7 * Prec) + (.9 * Ldr_Norm) +
(1.1 * Ldr_Undead) + (3.5 * Ldr_Magic)
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