Thread: Drain Life
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Old March 21st, 2005, 09:36 PM
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Default Re: Drain Life

I made a simple test. 2 groups consisting of 12 Royal Marignon Guard, and 1 admiral. One group gets attacked by 1 GR, the other by a Phantasmal Army. Can you guess the results?

GR group - Nearly wiped out (2 RMG left)
Phantasmal Army group - No losses

Cost of GR - 5 death gems
Cost of PA - 8 air gems

I can understand the perspective that you had to reach lvl 9 to cast this spell. Fine, don't nerf it, but the gem cost should be increased. After this test, I'd say at least 10 gems per casting would be more in line with reality. I say that with a grain of salt, as the comparison in this test turned out to be 650 gold in troops + maint vs 5 death gems + 1 mage turn.

Flame away...
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