Thread: Drain Life
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Old March 21st, 2005, 11:59 PM
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Default Re: Drain Life

Saber Cherry said:
...any army big enough to defend against that sort of attack would be a great target for FFtS / MW, so using conventional armies defensively is moot at level 9 research, anyway, isn't it?
<shrug> I dunno. I'm still new here. I still have faith that armies are good for something. Either way it's beside the point I may, or may not, be making. The point is that it is not balanced compared to those spells of the same power magnitude. In addition, having Well of Misery, Mound fiend, GR and Tartarian Gate in the same disipline seems a bit to much like a 1 stop shop.

From what I can determine, FFtS / MW are much more limiting since they cost many more gems and not all races can get unlimited, fairly cheap mages that can cast those 2 spells. In the 2 games I have played, I have seen about 4 castings total of FFtS / MW, and probably 40 GR castings. FFtS / MW only kills half of the army, GR usually gets all units... From my perspective, that means it's broke. Perhaps once I play 10 more games I'll agree with you, but not today.
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