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Old March 24th, 2005, 01:18 AM

ds841 ds841 is offline
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Default Re: Updating Old Version of Dominions 2

Damn what am I doing wrong. Let me go through my sequence with you all (esp. sushiboat since you are a very similar system).

1. Install the SDL into the library folder in the HD root.
2. Copy the 2.02 Dominons 2 appication to the HD.
3. Remove read-only permissions from the Dominions 2 application.
4. Run the Dominions 2 application and it creates a dominions2 folder in the user folder of the current user.
5. Patch the Dominions 2 application with the most recent patch application.

Looking at my list it may be possible that I installed the SDL to the wrong library folder. Their is a library folder in the user directory as well. Should I install it their instead? Both?

Their are many permission settings for reading and writing for the application. Maybe I did not set enough of them for read/write access. Maybe I set to many.

The last thing was running Dominions 2 and the creation of the dominions2 folder in the current user directory. Should I have run the patch file first and then ran the Dominions 2 application?

Maybe I can get this thing fixed with your help guys!
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