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Old March 24th, 2005, 04:39 PM

Scott Hebert Scott Hebert is offline
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Default Tien Chi Mod Finished

Since I have nothing better to do...

This mod is designed to give Tien Chi better/affordable good mages, and also to work in various 'scratch-your-head' omissions.

First, to base TC:

Celestial Master: FAWWS? -> AAEES?
Cost: 250 -> 225

Unless my guess is wrong, Tien Chi means 'Heaven and Earth' (this is coming from my Japanese). This fits with the gem production of the nation, its national summons, and other information. So, why don't the mages correspond? Well, this addresses this. IIRC, Celestial Soldiers are AAS summons, so this allows the Celestial Master to summon them. I don't know about the Gardeners, but hopefully they are EES.

Now, as to why there's no W on them... they're not Masters of the Tao (Way), but Celestial Masters. That's the idea I'm going with.

TC - S&A:

Celestial Master: FAWWSLR -> FFWWS??
Cost: 250 -> 230

While the S&A Celestial Masters didn't have the 'national summon' issue that base TC's did, they do suffer from the 'no depth' problem. This is to fix that, and also to bring them in line with their gem production.

Master of the 5 Elements:
Cost: 190 -> 150

Yeah, these guys are overcosted by any stretch of the imagination.

Anyway, comments welcome. If anyone wants to see anything else in this or another mod, just ask.
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Scott Hebert
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