Thread: Patch 'n mod
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Old April 10th, 2005, 04:32 PM
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Default Re: Clam of Pearls??

Boron said:
tinkthank said:
Ì must have been really out of the action for a few months -- when was Clam of Pearls changed from 2W to 2W1N ? Was this in 2.15? I cant find these balance change notes anywhere. Is this mentioned in a thread somewhere?

(Boron: This is another reason why "clamhoarding" will not be more difficult with them, Boron. Actually, I see no real feasible way to give them a fire blessing, since they dont have any pretender with decent fire-skills.)
It is only changed in the oceania mod :
 #selectitem "Clam of Pearls"
#mainpath 2
#mainlevel 2
#secondarypath 6
#secondarylevel 1

Hm this is unfair though .
So in a game with oceania mod they are the only nation which can hoard clams en masse .
All other nations need a jade sorceress for that with lucky random picks or really luck with random picks from their mages .

Hopefully this idea is not followed in dominions 3 .
I wanna rather see more hoarditems there especially like soul contract
I don't understand. Does it mean that clams are totally wiped out ? Or are there any means to get some ? In my last game, I've enabled oceania (don't know why...) and I've pytium. I've empowered a 6th water level mage and he still can't forge any. How can I forge some ?
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