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Old April 19th, 2005, 05:06 AM
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Default Re: BUG: Summoning half a wolf per forest province

Chazar said:
Endoperez said:
I quess you checked that both werewolves had free leadership...
Yes: Both had 14 wolves previously assigned and 25 leadership (no experience, no afflicitons).
Each leader can lead up to 5 squads. These 5 squads are actually "slots", so you can have 0 troops in squad #1 and 14 in squad #2. Summoned critters like wolves are merged into squad #1 if it isn't empty (and the leader has some leadership left), otherwise they go to the province garrison.

From what you describe, I assume your 2nd werewolf had 0 troops in his squad slot #1, and 14 in squad #2, #3, #4 or #5. You can check this by assigning a garrison unit to this leader, if a new squad is created "above" the current squad, then this squad number is > 1.
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