Re: List of known issues
To shorten the list a bit:
- The Arcane Nexus enchantment states that "XXX gems have been absorbed", but you will get fewer astral pearls than that: gems absorbed are alchemised into astral pearls by the enchantment.
* Message fixed
- Immobile Pretenders can only use the Teleport spell to move around. The exception to this rule is the Sphinx, unable to use the Teleport spell. Modded units behave like most immobiles, as they can use the Teleport spell.
* Nothing wrong with this behaviour
- It is still possible to get killed in Magic Duels, even with a difference of more than 6 levels between the two mages.
* The thing with magic duel is that it uses your raw magic level. Items and enchantments have no effect. So the spell is probably working fine.
- A site name is misspelled: "Underwater magic site, Air 3, Imprizoned Zephyr should be Imprisoned Zephyr." Thanks to Edi for reporting this one.
* Fixed.