Re: List of known issues
Thematically, it's a little weird for an enslaved prophet to retain his original owner's blessing. I could see him still being a prophet (it's got to be a heck of a propaganda coup *g*), but is the original owner unable to revoke his blessing?
(mumbles: And if you give a Shroud of the Battle Saint, will he get both blessings? Will it have no effect, since he's already blessed? Will it overwrite the old blessing? Hm. Interesting experiment.)
Not sure why some Tartarians are poor-amphib and others are land-only. Didn't notice any particular pattern.
I'm idly wondering whether Mechanical Men should lose the body slot, or alternately keep it but have high prot granted by equipment instead of innately. A GoR'd Mechanical Man can use a Shroud or ethereal cloak and still keep the very nice prot, *and* all the innate elemental immunities. Very nice, other than the low hp.
AI should probably hold back on completing a Call God if the capital is currently held by an enemy and the AI cannot possibly move enough supporting forces in to assure survival. Rather pointless to call in a lone pretender who'll get killed immediately.
Enslaved units who die can trigger the "all friendly units are dead, so commanders retreat" rule. Slightly odd in the case of a solo SC with Nethgul, for instance; obvious workaround is not to use Nethgul except with large friendly armies, but it's still very odd for a Tartarian to quit the field based on this.
Are we insane yet? Are we insane yet? Aiiieeeeee...