Re: List of known issues
Interface Issue:
Undead Commanders do not accept troops
It is possible to give a scout (Scout, Spy, Black Servant etc. - something which does not have leadership at all ) "undead leadership 50" by handing him a "Rod of the Leper King". On the troops screen, you run into trouble, though:
(tested with Black Servant only, for obvious reasons)
- it is only possible to 'drop' troops on the commander by directly clicking on him, the big background square of the pic will not do.
- squad slots are not colour-marked for being able to receive troops, even if only one single undead troop is selected. Slots from "normal" commanders with undead leadership are marked, though.
=> therefore dropping troops in a squad slot which already contains some does not work, one has to drop them on the pic (not square) of the commander.
Pooling of squads is not possible therefor, unless one puts everything into the province slot and transferes everything back at once.
Haven't tested with "Crown of Leadership" (normal and magical troops) and "Sceptre of Authority" (normal troops), but it might be the same effect with the first and magic troops, if not generally with both...
As for AI the most effective work around to this problem so far is to simply use an American instead, they tend to put up a bit more of a fight than your average Artificial Idiot.
... James McGuigan on somewhen back in 1998 ...