Re: List of known issues
BTW, is Cthgul the Stargazer supposed to have feet slots? Unless he's a rebellious, trend-setting illithid... the fact that he does just seems to break the trend of footwear-averse Starspawn, that's all.
Idle note: If you start construction of a fortification, and during construction you discover a magical site which provides a fortification, you don't seem to get the magical site castle; in some cases it'd be advantageous to abandon construction and switch. I haven't checked to see whether you can get it if you finish construction and then tear it down, however.
'Flight' still seems to be bugged. I Earth Attacked an enemy air mage, who promptly cast Flight... on the Earth Elemental, because apparently you still can't cast flight on yourself and there was nobody else to cast it on. Arguably an Air Mage should also not cast Air Shield when there are no missile troops on either side? Nethgul spell targeting is also a bit odd, although perhaps that's deliberate; e.g. sometimes it tries to Mind Hunt or Horror Mark its owner, I think. Maybe it doesn't like being a brain in a (Mi-Go?) jar. *shrug* (...muses about Nethgul being given control of a Golem body...)
Another correction re: enslaved prophet. No Sacred flag, but Blessed flag is still there. So no simul sacred/unholy here.
Are we insane yet? Are we insane yet? Aiiieeeeee...