Thread: What happened?
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Old May 1st, 2005, 02:01 PM

FrankTrollman FrankTrollman is offline
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Default What happened?

So I was taking a castle, and my heavy lifting was largely being done by a Gift of Reasoned Siege Golem (Stymphalean Wings, Starshine Cap, Boots of Quickness, Amulet of Antimagic, Bracers of Protection - Flying, Haste, Trample, Size 5, Protection 31, MR 18). In the process of the battle, however, my opponent hit him with Decay, causing him two whole points of damage before the battle ended. Then completely killing him outright when the battle was over.

My question is: What?!

Seriously, my siege Golem is Lifeless, so he shouldn't be affected by a spell that rips the flesh from the bones of a living creature. Secondly, since when does decau hit for 83 points of damage at the end of battle?

Is this a glitch, or is this supposed to happen. And if it is supposed to happen, how?

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