The amulet of the wolf has a small chance of transforming your super combatant into a werewolf. That's bad. Not because it gets big and hairy, bu because it gets so
small and hairy.
As for this set-up:
Lucky Coin
rainbow armor
boots of flying
amulet of MR
ring of regeneration
I think that's a bit counter-synnergystic, although it does have some nice properties (decent MR, for instance).
Immediately obvious problems are:
No elemental resistances.
Very Crappy Protection.
No Haste Effects.
Those are big deals. It's got a lot of things covered, the small amount of reinvig on the rainbow armor really cuts down on the amount of death you can expect from Elf Shot, for instance. But the boots of flight don't benefit much from the low-encumberance armor you invested in, because you would be running around at full speed anyhow.
But if you have access to level 6 construction (which in your example, it seems you do, try some of these:
Shield of the Accursed
Starshine Skullcap
Chainmail of Displacement
Boots of Quickness
Bracers of Defense
Ring of Regeneration
Look at that Defense! You've got a +12 Defense Mod and a +22 Protection before we even get to the Haste and natural protection (which you also have).
Crystal Shield
Flame Helm
Elemental Armor
Boots of Flight
Heart of Life
Ring of Regeneration
A nice protection value, it adds in 28 proection while still managing to ge in Regeneration, Reinvigoration, and the all-important Lightning and Cold Resistance (which will otherwise bypass your mighty armor without issue). Low MR, but a very high potential for magic adding on a spell-using combatant. If your Cyclops is willing to wear this get-up, expect to see a protection value in the mid-forties (which in turn will bounce Giant blows).
Lead Shield
Starshine Skullcap
Hydra Skin Armor
Boots of Quickness
Heart of Life
Amulet of Antimagic
A massive MR value (+10!) and some good Reinvig. That and the quickness makes this a very good outfit for a rear-caster summoner. A Ghost King dressed up like this is dressed to kill.
Charcoal Shield
Starshine Skullcap
Rhyme Hauberk
Boots of Flight
Ring of Tamed Lightning
Ring of Regeneration
This is all about fighting big groups, resistance or immunity to all four elements, a chill aura and a fire shield make this a build to get-in and then hack a large army to pieces without death. Put this in and wait for the enemy army to die. They are going to do that.
Starshine Skullcap
Copper Plate
Boots of Flight
Ring of Regeneration
Lifelong Prtoection
A simple all-around set-up for an undead hero such as a Bane Lord. Resistance or Immunity to every element, flight, regen, berserking, a pile of imps every battle, it's good. You fly around the hinterland stabbing things in the face.